On tournament days like this a great deal of preparatory work is required, the only detail that cannot be planned or induced, weather. Arriving at Churston at 7am to be greeted by our Professional Harry Mayers and Manager Matt Gill we were encouraged by blue skies and a good forecast. Shortly afterwards my two good friends Lew Easter and Chris Morton, arrived,, Chris arriving back in the UK at 1am from Greece. Setting up the inevitable laptop these days, Harry had offered to set the competition using intelligent golf to allow the competition as a qualifier, this I accepted with both hands. It prevented me from having to write over 100 cards, … [Read more...]
Tournaments Archive
Arriving at Exeter G&CC at 6.45 am I discovered the club didn't open until 7.am however, the forecast was good and I could already see the efficient Lisa Newbury had already set up the registration desk in the Sports Bar, a good start! Setting up early allowed the players current handicaps to be achieved, using the England Golf App, in my opinion a step in the right direction. I realise the WHS is not to everyone's liking however, on occasions such as this players were processed fairly smoothly and, if they so wished, could set up a qualifying scorecard with the benefit of a measured course, albeit the Yellow tees. The Captain arrived … [Read more...]
Presidents Day June 3 2021
John Mitchell - Winner Andrew Bowl. Fellow Captains, I am astoundedbut delighted to have wonThe Andrew Bowl at Brian Waggett's President's Day. May I take this opportunity to thank Brian, along with his team of volunteers and staff at Stover Golf Club for all their hard work. I know my fellow competitors very much appreciated the opportunity they all gave us to get together, to some degree, and enjoy our golf. Devon Captains golf events are very special so to come out as a winner gives me tremendous pleasure and I look forward to further events.Finally may I echo the tributes to Roy Smith and Henry Paget for their sterling service over … [Read more...]
Saunton Salver 2019 9/10th October
Happy faces but no cigars! This year's event was even bigger with 13 teams, some from as far away as Surrey and Suffolk. The Devon boys were all off earl yon the Wednesday morning which meant some of us had to leave home before dawn to ensure we got there in good time. We teed off in typical Saunton weather, howling gale with rain looking very imminent,the conditions for playing were very tough to say the least. To make things even more difficult the rain of the previous week had made the fairways much softer than we usually see at Saunton, a consequence of this being that the ball didn't roll anywhere near as much as usual making every … [Read more...]
Captain’s Day, Libbaton GC. September 12th
Well, after many weeks of preparation, worry and then several sleepless nights my Captain's Day arrived. The number of entrants had been a major concern but, thankfully they turned out to be ok with 74 members entering. Not brilliant but much better than we thought it might have been a few weeks earlier. I was amazed how many people couldn't attend due to hospital or doctors appointments, had just had a procedure which prevented them from playing, were on holiday, had gone to Gleneagles to watch the Solheim Cup or had grandchildren they had to look after. All acceptable and understandable reasons. Now living 54 miles away from … [Read more...]
President’s Day 2019 Exeter G&CC
John Burrow presenting Geoff Pascoe with the Andrew Bowl Arriving early at the golf club all seemed to be going swimmingly, players arriving on time in spite of the Devon County Show doing its best to hinder drivers. Weather looking very promising, as forecast, what could possibly go wrong? Our venerable and very respected Secretary Roy Smith had the great misfortune to stumble and fall, whilst returning from the Duckworth Suite where our presentation and AGM would later be held, prior to dinner. Here we must pay tribute to Exeter G&CC staff for their immediate and efficient management of this potentially serious situation. Their first … [Read more...]
Six Counties – Saunton GC. 28th March 2019
The victorious Devon team. (David Barker the resident giant in the background) Weather, always a key factor when playing Saunton, was benign and user friendly in the extreme. The elements, relatively warm and the wind a mere zephyr, did not however reflect in the scores generally, winning score averaged 33.33 per pair. The course as always in good order, the greens, recently top dressed, were not quite as speedy as usual but considering the tournament was earlier than usual and it was March, very good. Once again many of us were able to renew friendship and acquaintance with our visitors from other counties. So, 144 players could not have … [Read more...]
Saunton Salver 2018 October 10/11th
THE DEVON TEAM The final event of the 2018 Devon Golf Captain’s calendar took place at Saunton GC on Wed. /Thurs. 10/11th October. This event normally comprises of 12 counties but for some reason there were only 11 counties in it this year. We put a strong team together, which included several Saunton Captains, in the hope of regaining the trophy that we last won in the inaugural year, 2016. It was an early start for all the Devon boys on the Wednesday as our pairings were the first off on both courses along with the guys from Wiltshire. The weather very un-Saunton like with glorious sunshine and temperatures of 20C+, however we … [Read more...]
Captain’s Day 2018 Exeter G&CC September 13th
Captain's Day at Exeter G&CC is an excellent venue for such a day, practice facilities particularly good with an excellent short game area available. The squash bar providing excellent casual dining and refreshment area and in the evening the Duckworth Suite perfect for a hundred or more diners. Lew Easter and myself arriving at 7.15 to discover Roy Smith, Captain Ben Lynch and Vice Brian Rice already there preparing for the day. It's an enjoyable experience running the reception desk on the day, greeting old and new members to the day. In total 104 players on the day, proving Exeter to be a popular venue. Brian Rice had checked out … [Read more...]
President’s Day 2018 Tavistock GC
The Winner of the Andrew Bowl Rick Clark Presidents Day 2018 results President's Day started, as always, with our ubiquitous Secretary Roy Smith first on the scene re-arranging the furniture to set up the reception desk. This year Roy was very kindly, and very gratefully, chauffeured by long time friend and past Captain Mike Badcock (Stover & DGCs). Thank you Michael from all of us, as we all know Roy's a precious commodity and worthy of being looked after. On the day also present, from very early on, Chris Morton, Lew Easter and yours truly all happy to help, unfortunately not contributing to our scores, as … [Read more...]