The last occasion Devon Golf Captains held a tournament at The Warren Golf Club was in 1995 when the well known Mickey Phillips was Captain of DGC. We have returned a number of times for matches and always afforded a very warm welcome. A number of members have contacted me to congratulate Jon Langmead and his team on continuing the tradition. To balance that some people have also been critical of the day and its challenges provided by the course and conditions, it was played in a strong Northerly wind. To acknowledge the help and service provided by the Warren’s team is a must, Jodie and Ben in the admin team ran the day as a qualifier and were exceptionally helpful and efficient. Chef Graham produced an excellent three course meal, one of the best we have had this year! Many thanks also to the bar staff, good humour and speedy service accompanied good ales and wine. The green staff must also be thanked for having to deal with a nightmarish season of drought and restrictions, required by Devon Wild Life Trust, and producing a course despite the forces of nature more recently.
Currently the club have a couple of buggies which were gratefully used by several of us playing on the day. Personal buggy’s are also allowed by arrangement with the Pro Shop and the necessary documents provided. The day itself was played in dry but windy conditions and was reflected in many scores, suffice to say the PCC (Playing conditions calculator) was +3, very difficult ! The greens, as always, were very good, consistently a feature of the course and did not disappoint. The winning scores were testament to golf, golf always wins ! Jeff Laing (22), later to assume the role of Vice-Captain, scoring a terrific 38pts which also included a ‘blob’, truly a memorable day for Jeff, also winning the Secretaries Salver. Terry Membery (13), scored a very good 35 pts to take the Veterans title and Glen Page (4) collecting the Scratch with a very creditable 25 pts.
Another excellent performance on the day from our relatively new Secretary/Treasurer Geoff Pascoe. This, Geoff’s first tournament , was a personal tour de force demonstrating natural qualities in his role for the first time. Please be aware your admin team at all times try very hard to provide enjoyment, good golf and company. All members of this team do much of their work out of sight and willingly, consequently please welcome Geoff Pascoe, Captain Phillip Webb and Vice-Captain Jeff Laing with support and enthusiasm. One very important person not able to be present on the day, Roy Smith, our venerable recently retired Secretary. Roy has had some recent health issues and typical of the man decided he was unable to attend stating “I don’t want to be a possible liability on the day”. Together with those of us who remain in touch with Roy I’m sure you will wish to send your fondest and heartfelt regards to him.
Finally thanks must be given to Graham Heaman whose service as Captain ended at this tournament. As many will know, Graham admirably volunteered to continue his year as Captain until this day thereby passing the baton to Phil Webb who has been an excellent aid to Graham throughout this time. Thank you gentlemen, enjoy your retirement Graham, and Phil, have an enjoyable and memorable period of captaincy supported by Jeff.
Malcolm Jordain