Malcolm Jordain writes …
Our only ‘International match’, other than Cornwall. has always been at St Pierre. The match was originally instigated by the late Ron Pope (St Pierre) and Henry Paget (Teignmouth GC). St Pierre Captains have for many years played matches versus Stover & Teignmouth, hence the progression to this long standing fixture.
Many friendships have been forged as a result of this match versus the Welsh Warriors, the likes of Eric Brown, Arnie Pidgeon, Peter Vaughan & the mighty George Lowe expressed their sadness as this was to be the last match against St. Pierre Captains. Next year and onwards the match will be against South Wales Coast Golf Captains at venues other than St Pierre.
The golf course was in very good condition, not unusual, and the greens quite pure. The accuracy from the tee is on virtually all holes a necessity, the beautiful mature trees often a major obstacle if slightly off line. If the golf isn’t quite up to par, the setting is a pleasant distraction, the epitome of parkland golf set against the 14th century manor house, now a unique hotel and clubhouse. Some quite magnificent trees and vistas beyond the course endorsing the history and location of the venue.
With old acquaintances renewed and new ones founded the games, in the main, were quite close despite the match result. Next year we will once again cross the border to play Whitchurch GC, Cardiff, apparently at the request of SWCGC. I’m sure that St. Pierre Captains will very much be part of that team. A splendid meal and wine on the table soon dispelled stories of victor and vanquished and, almost unbelievably, talk of the England football team’s chance of success ensued, in WALES !!!
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